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The importance of a good preceptor


A preceptor acts as an instructor in the field and most of the time, a mentor to young, developing athletic training students. They are often in the best position to influence students' perception of the field of athletic training. (2) It is no secret that athletic training is a very dynamic profession, both in the constant adaptation of the individual to their job and the profession as a whole to the needs of the greater good of the profession. The profession is currently undergoing huge changes with the transition to masters, and as a young profession, will likely undergo many more through time. Understanding and being prepared to adapt with the profession is a key to being a successful athletic trainer. The dynamic nature of athletic training is often a major drawing point to the profession, but it is the responsibility of the preceptor to help foster and develop this appreciation for the profession. (2) This is vital as those who demonstrate appreciation and excitement toward the profession are often the students who persist to graduation and professional practice. (2)

Preceptors tend to have a huge influence on their ATS and because of this, end up highly involved in the mentoring process of their students, often becoming mentors to their students. (2) Mentorship is key in helping ATS to learn and appreciate their future profession, roles and responsibilities. (2) Positive mentorship is reported to be an important influencing factor for senior ATS making post graduate decisions, and in many cases, leads to the continuation of the profession. Personally, my commitment to graduate school was due to the positive outlook on GA positions that my mentor had, and his encouragement to pursue the profession and advanced education further.

So it is clear in the interviews and literature that athletic trainers and athletic training students value the mentorship they receive from their preceptors, so what exactly makes a good preceptor? Overall, ATS value realistic and authentic clinical education experiences facilitated through direct mentorship. (2) The desired responsibilities of "Mentors" can be broken down into 4 major components:

1. Modeling excitement for the profession

Like mentioned earlier, many report that their mentors and previous preceptors greatly influenced their decisions post graduate and influenced their excitement and persistence in the profession. The preceptor acts as a role model providing guidelines for attitude and behavior development, modeling what is acceptable and what isn't. (1) Because of this, preceptors should have a positive outlook on the profession and be able to foster that excitement in their ATS.

2. Accurate representation of AT

Because athletic training is a dynamic profession, it is important for the student to fully understand the current state of the profession as well as its vision and goals moving forward. Like any job, there are not so glamorous aspects and struggles the profession is working to overcome. It is the preceptors responsibility to display athletic training practice as accurately as possible during clinical education. (2) In addition to fostering the excitement as mentioned before, through discussion and displays of the positive aspects of the athletic training profession, accurate representation of the profession must be done through tough conversations discussing the negative aspects of the field (long hours, low salaries, role strain, etc.). (2)

3. Communication

This one may seem like an obvious one, but it is arguably the most important skill a preceptor must have to be able to fully engage the student and act as a good preceptor and potential mentor. Many students ranked 'the ability to provide feedback in a meaningful way' as firs tin importance. (1) But what does that really mean?

It is our responsibility to foster an environment where a student feels comfortable "failing" and try again to solve problems. We must create a time for reflection in a safe environment and help the student to set and understand their core values and influences in athletic training. (1) By doing so an individual is able to build confidence in their skills and knowledge, finding their unique athletic training style.

4. Hands on experience

Perhaps the most obvious way to engage the student is to simulate and expose the student to as many real-life experiences as offered. Even if the student has only experienced their lower extremity classes, let them observe your upper extremity evaluation and discuss the treatment steps together. On days where real life experience is lacking, the down time can be utilized to practice skills or run mock scenarios that the student must work through themselves. (2) Regardless of what is happening at the clinical site that day, good preceptors will constantly be scanning the clinical situations that arise for contextual learning opportunities, helping the student to fully understand the complexity of their role. (1)

The most important take away is that preceptors have a tremendous potential to inluence their students. It is important that they utilize identified skills to foster critical thinking and judgment. (1) They must engage their student through hands on experience and accurate representation of the profession in order to foster excitement and encourage continuation in the profession.

(1) Shinners JS, Franqueiro T. Preceptor skills and characteristics: considerations for preceptor education. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 2015;46(5):233-236.

(2) Dodge TM, Mazerolle SM. Preceptors' influence on athletic training students' development of excitement and commitment to the field of athletic training. Athletic Training Education Journal. 2015;10(1):18-24.



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